David H. Fisher, Jr.


You Can Take It With You


“During the early 1950s each summer my father took our family of four on a fishing vacation at Lake Chetek near a little town called Chetek, Wisconsin. He had a 3½ horsepower Montgomery Ward outboard motor. In preparation for the two-day drive from Topeka to Chetek, along with our luggage, he was somehow able to load the motor into the trunk of our 1950 Pontiac 4-door sedan.”

Understanding The Transgender Mystery


“On one of the days while I was writing this paper and then thought came over me ” Why can’t we all just respect and accept everyone and let them be their true selves.”



“I’ve always been fascinated with “height and distance and time” and how they all fit together. When I was a young boy, growing up in Topeka, Kansas, my mother didn’t have a car. In fact, she didn’t even drive. This was the same for most of my friend’s mothers. When we wanted to go
somewhere we walked, rode our bicycles or took the bus.”

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet


“April 16, 1979. It was a beautiful day. There was some wind but there is
almost always wind in Kansas during this time of the year. The spring sun was warm but not hot. The Koch fittings clinked together during our two and a half block walk. The climb up the two-story ladder was easy…But wait, I am getting ahead of myself.”

Light Brown Hair & Blue Green Eyes


“When I was around 7 years old my parents took my sister, Wendy, and me to see a movie. As I watched the end of the movie tears began to roll down my cheeks and I was very sad for several days. As I grew up I didn’t think much about the movie but it seems it was always there in the back of my mind.”

Full Audio Book

A Little Bit of Kansas History


“One of the most interesting dimensions of the world we live in is time. For example, if two friends were at an airport in the same line but a few minutes apart they would not even be aware that they just missed seeing each other. If two cars are at the same spot in an intersection at the same time there is a real problem but if they are just a second before or after the other car everything is fine.”